
Yard of the Month—July 2019

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1578 Wininger Cove

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Vibrant. Imagine an artist’s palette, a riot of oranges, reds, purples, and oranges, and instead of a brush, a trowel. Imagine combining a sense of color with a joy of gardening. Imagine the result, a yard lauded as the July 2018 Riverwood Farms Yard of the Month. Suzanne Sorrentino nominated Annie and Kenneth Vaughn, 1578 Wininger Cove, remarking that “ during the 2 years (2016 to 2018) they have lived in Riverwood, the Vaughn’s have worked tirelessly to beautify their yard. Especially pretty are the areas near the mailbox and the flowerbed at the end of their driveway”.

To achieve their showy yard, an aging fence was rebuilt. A stone retaining wall was extended. A nearly impenetrable border of monkey grass was dug out. Flowers and vegetables were then not so much planted as painted into place. A melange of artichokes, squash, roses, zinnias, impatiens, wandering jew, hostas, ferns, hydrangeas, and native plants share garden space. Color bursts from planters enliven the deck, front door, sidewalks, and nearly every available outdoor corner.

Three favorites compete for pride of place: a deep red perennial hibiscus, a purple butterfly bush, and succulents nurtured by Julien. To make her garden grow, Annie has germinated seeds in her greenhouse, and propagated cuttings. Kenneth controls invasive plants (weeds) naturally with garden tonic recipes prescribed by Master Gardener Jerry Baker. I am convinced, the smiles that constantly radiated from the faces of the Annie and Kenneth Vaughn and son Julien and daughter Alicia during our conversation, added an extra magic dose of sunshine to the garden. Vibrancy.

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