
Yard of the Month—October 2019

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8763 Becca Point

Most days, you’ll find Lanny and Millie Tyler working in their yard. They moved to Riverwood Farms from Florida 13 years ago, and in 2015 they hired C & S Landscaping and Irrigation to create the garden of Millie’s dreams! It’s complete with hostas, roses, encore azaleas and peonies bursting in the Spring, and mums, camelias and pansies in the Fall. Fieldstones create a lovely pathway through their lakefront garden, and also a large patio in the back…a favorite spot for their 3 cats and their precious pomeranian, Jackson. Millie is careful to use only 100% organic products to care for their yard due to all the animal life. She has a “gardener’s heart”, and loves creating a peaceful space for her and Lanny to enjoy nature.

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