
Seasonal Yard Award, Spring 2020—1706 Mill Farm

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Joe and Linda moved into Riverwood Farms in 2002. When they bought the home, it had roof-high evergreens all across the front, and they all but hid the house. There were railroad ties all along the front of the lot. The had a landscape company remove all the evergreens, the ties and graded off the whole front yard, leaving a magnificent dogwood front and center.

Over the years, they have devoted time and energy into building their landscaping all around the house. In the front of the house, there are loropetalum, nandinas, and boxwood, along with a beautiful Japanese Maple and a magnolia tree. Irises, boxwood, and coral bells grow on one side of the house, and an arbor with climbing clematis adorns a side yard. A few years ago, they built a side garden including azaleas, roses, crepe myrtle, and a birdbath. One plant, in particular, the they have grown fond if is lamb\’s ear. This is a fast-growing plant, and they have incorporated it in all their beds around the house.

Joe and Linda give special thanks to Tru-Green for their beautiful lawn, and Jose\’ Ramirez, their yard professional, who has been with them for years.

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